To give exclusive breastfeeding in infants have been known have many advantages. The new one is revealed to reduce the risk of type II diabetes is exposed in the adult age.
Tiper II? Yes, it melitus diabetes (DM) has two types. Type I or insulin dependent diabetic mellitus (IDDM) and DM, type II or non-insulin dependent diabetic mellitus (NIDDM).
In the DM type I patients, the amount of insulin the body produces less, so with insulin should be assisted from outside, for example, via injection. While in the DM type II, does not depend on insulin. Usually occurs in adults and parents, Obesity is a risk factor.
Then, why breastfeeding can reduce the risk of diabetes? According Dr.Christopher G. Owen, head of the research team from St.George 's University of London said, with decrease in the risk of NIDDM
"Moreover, breastfeeding is the most suitable food for babies, because it has been providing short-term health benefits and long term," said Dr.Christopher, as quoted Reuters News Office.
In the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Dr.Christopher and his team have made a previous collection of data and systematically analyze the results of studies that have been published in medical journals, the benefits of breastfeeding to the disease diabetes.
In seven studies that have 76,744 results, is reported to have breastfed infants exposed to the risk of type II diabetes have decreased to 39 percent of adults at the time. Seventh research has proven are consistent in the population in different countries.
In addition, there are six research that says that the level of insulin in children and adults who get breastmilk is lower compared with those obtained susu formula.
In the study, fasting blood sugar concentration did not differ between the two group. However, in the breastfed baby to have blood sugar more stable than that was not breastfed. Insulin level is too high can increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
In addition, the nutrient composition of breastfeeding was the most perfect and appropriate to the needs of the critical nutrients to grow the flower babies aged 0-4 months. Pasokannya fit because the mechanism is governed by natural breastfeeding is not owned by susu formula.
It was reported that in every time the penyusuan be around four minutes, the baby has been 80-90 percent mengonsumsi ASI volume of rich nutrition. This is already able to meet the needs of calories the body and oxygen-oxygen other vital nutrients necessary for infant's growth.
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